Use aaPanel to manually deploy

1. Configure aaPanel

You need to select your system in aaPanel to get the installation method. Here, CentOS 7+ is used as the system environment for installation.

Please be sure to use CentOS 7+ to install aaPanel, other systems may have unknown issues.

yum install -y wget && wget -O && bash

After the installation is complete, we log in to aaPanel to install the environment.

Select the environment installation method using LNMP to check the following information

☑️ Nginx ☑️ MySQL ☑️ PHP 7.4 ☑️ phpMyAdmin

Choose Fast to compile and install.

2. Install Ioncube 、fileinfo

aaPanel > App Store > PHP 7.4 > Setting > Install extentions > Ioncube, fileinfo。

3.Delete disabled functions

aaPanel > App Store > PHP 7.4 > Setting > Disabled functions > remove from list (exec, system, putenv, proc_open)。

4. Add Website

aaPanel > Website > Add site。

  • Fill in the domain name you point to the server in Domain
  • Select MySQL in Database
  • Select PHP-74 in PHP Verison

5. Install XMPlus

After logging in to the server through SSH, visit the site path: cd /www/wwwroot/

The following commands need to be executed in the site directory.

Delete the files in the directory

chattr -i .user.ini

rm -rf .htaccess 404.html index.html

Execute the command to install XMPlus

cd /www/wwwroot/


php composer.phar -n update

rm -rf

mv .user.ini /www/wwwroot/


chattr +i .user.ini

aaPanel > Databases > Root password

Login to phpMyAdmin with username root and your database root password

Server connection collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci

Create a new database with: utf8mb4_unicode_ci

  • Import database.sql with phpMyAdmin.

    • file path /www/wwwroot/

    • NB: Do not use the aapanal panel to import sql

  • Edit configuration /www/wwwroot/

    • You can change admin login path to your preferred path. Must start with /

    • fill in your database information(use root as username and root password in config.php)

6.Configure site directory and pseudo-static

Edit the added site > Conf > Site directory > Running directory choose /public and save。

After the addition is complete, edit the added site > URL rewrite to fill in the pseudo-static information.

location / {
    try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;

7. Add SSL to website

Edit the added site > Conf > SSL

Check site domain and apply for certificate, Enable Force HTTPS

Restart nginx

Add cron job

Change /www/wwwroot/ . Is your panel directory path

crontab -l > cron.tmp
echo "* * * * * cd /www/wwwroot/ && /usr/bin/php xmplus job:run >> /dev/null 2>&1" >> cron.tmp
crontab cron.tmp
rm -rf cron.tmp

Create an administrator account:

After logging in to the server through SSH, visit the site path:cd /www/wwwroot/

input the command: php xmplus admin

Download application

input the command: php xmplus download

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