XMPlus backend installation

The XMPlus backend is a customized version of XRayR (one server supports multiple nodes)


Function vmess vless trojan ss ss-plugin
Get Server Info
Get User Info
Report User Stats
Report Server Stats
Auto Apply tls Cert
Auto-Renew tls Cert
Online Statistics
Online User IPlinit
Detection Rules
Server Speedlimit
User Speedlimit
Customize DNS
Server Transit X

one-click installation

bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xcode75/XMPlus/install/install.sh)

Backend configuration

vi /etc/XMPlus/config.yml or can use any editor

  Level: warning # Log level: none, error, warning, info, debug 
  AccessPath: # /etc/XMPlus/access.Log
  ErrorPath: # /etc/XMPlus/error.log
DnsConfigPath:  #/etc/XMPlus/dns.json
RouteConfigPath: # /etc/XMPlus/route.json
InboundConfigPath: # /etc/XMPlus/inbound.json
OutboundConfigPath: # /etc/XMPlus/outbound.json
  Handshake: 8 
  ConnIdle: 300 
  UplinkOnly: 0 
  DownlinkOnly: 0 
  BufferSize: 64
      ApiHost: "https://www.tld.om"
      ApiKey: "123"
      NodeID: 1
      Timeout: 30 
        Email: author@xmplus.dev                    # Required when Cert Mode is not none
        CertFile: /etc/XMPlus/node1.xmplus.dev.crt  # Required when Cert Mode is file
        KeyFile: /etc/XMPlus/node1.xmplus.dev.key   # Required when Cert Mode is file
        Provider: cloudflare                        # Required when Cert Mode is dns
        CertEnv:                                    # Required when Cert Mode is dns
          CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL:                         # Required when Cert Mode is dns
          CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY:                       # Required when Cert Mode is dns
        Show: false   # Show REALITY debug
        Dest: www.lovelive-anime.jp:443   # Required, Same as fallback
        Xver : 0   # Send PROXY protocol version, 0 for disable
        ServerNames:    # Required, list of available serverNames for the client, * wildcard is not supported at the moment.
          - www.lovelive-anime.jp
        PrivateKey: MH0gmvlQQJjgM0pE2XhPMpcuEVtm2pTc0UKCY1oEvFU   # Required, execute './xray x25519' to generate.
        MinClientVer:   # Optional, minimum version of Xray client, format is x.y.z.
        MaxClientVer:   # Optional, maximum version of Xray client, format is x.y.z.
        MaxTimeDiff: 0  # Optional, maximum allowed time difference, unit is in milliseconds.
        ShortIds:    # Required, list of available shortIds for the client, can be used to differentiate between different clients.
          - 6ba85179e30d4fc2

ApiHost : your website address. eg, https://www.tld.com and not this https://www.tld.com/

ApiKey: your api key, an be found in admin settings > API settings > API Key

NodeID: The server id number after creating a server in the admin panel

Timeout: time before no response from api.

CertConfig: you only need to set these if you set cert mode to DNS when creating server. it is used to resolve cert address when generating certificate when tls is enable.


Importan Notice

Do not install backend on same server as frontend if you intend to enable tls on the backend.

Reason: certificate generation need port 80 to be free, but since the frontend is running on port 80/443, backend will panic, and cannot start.

allow xray(eg, 443) port through firewall


apt install firewalld


yum install firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
systemctl start firewalld

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1-65500/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1-65500/udp
firewall-cmd --reload

Backend Transit(Relay) Client -> Node A -> Node B -> Destination(www.google.com)


To use transit both servers must be working normally and be able to connect directly.

Node B cannot use nginx reverse proxy and lsitening ip

Node A and B must have the XMPlus backend installed

Node A -> Transit Type -> XMPlus backend

Node A -> Transit Server -> select target Node B

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