Basic Settings

Shared Account

As the name suggest, a shared account you want to display on user daehboard for free use.

You can add the account in the Accounts section.

Ideal time logout (s)

This is the time to automatically logout the user if inactive on the site. 0 (in seconds) is disabled for this option.

Enable Languages

The languages you want to translate the website into.

Adding other language

Go to your site localization directory such as: /www/wwwroot/

Make a copy of the en_US.php file to the language you want to translate.

Example fa_IR.php for Persian

Translate only the values and not the keys of the array.

Do not translate any word in %%, eg, %name%.

NB: eg, add in all the language files fa_IR

$i18n['fa_IR'] = array(
    'en_US'     =>     'English (US)',
    'zh_CN'     =>     '中文 (CN)',
    'fa_IR'     =>     'Persian (IR)',

Enable Language Go to admin settings > Basic settings and chose the language Persian and submit.

General Settings

Site URL : this must be changed in /www/wwwroot/

Sub URL:

Password Salt: is a key added to user login password for security

Hashing: method for generating user login password

Password Mode:

  • User defined + secured (must follow the password recommendation format to create password)
  • User defined (whatever password the user chose)

CheckIn Settings - Telegram

This is for users who bind their telegram account to the site can get free traffic and days added as set by the site admin.

Restrict Settings

For who can access your site based on their ip and location.

Fallback Config

Refere to Xray documentation Fallback

DNS Rules

Refere to Xray documentation DNS

results matching ""

    No results matching ""