XrayR backend installation

A Xray backend framework that can easily support many panels.




Function vmess vless trojan ss ss-plugin
Get Server Info
Get User Info
Report User Stats
Report Server Stats
Auto Apply tls Cert
Auto-Renew tls Cert
Online Statistics
Online User IPlinit
Detection Rules
Server Speedlimit
User Speedlimit
Customize DNS
Server Transit x x x X

one-click installation

wget -N https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XrayR-project/XrayR-release/master/install.sh && bash install.sh

Backend configuration

vi /etc/XrayR/config.yml or can use any editor to chnage default config.yml and use below example

  Level: warning # Log level: none, error, warning, info, debug 
  AccessPath: # /etc/XrayR/access.Log
  ErrorPath: # /etc/XrayR/error.log
DnsConfigPath: # /etc/XrayR/dns.json # Path to dns config, check https://xtls.github.io/config/dns.html for help
RouteConfigPath: # /etc/XrayR/route.json # Path to route config, check https://xtls.github.io/config/routing.html for help
InboundConfigPath: # /etc/XrayR/custom_inbound.json # Path to custom inbound config, check https://xtls.github.io/config/inbound.html for help
OutboundConfigPath: # /etc/XrayR/custom_outbound.json # Path to custom outbound config, check https://xtls.github.io/config/outbound.html for help
  Handshake: 4 # Handshake time limit, Second
  ConnIdle: 30 # Connection idle time limit, Second
  UplinkOnly: 2 # Time limit when the connection downstream is closed, Second
  DownlinkOnly: 4 # Time limit when the connection is closed after the uplink is closed, Second
  BufferSize: 64 # The internal cache size of each connection, kB
  - PanelType: "SSpanel" # Panel type: SSpanel, NewV2board, PMpanel, Proxypanel, V2RaySocks, GoV2Panel
      ApiHost: "https://www.xmplus.dev"
      ApiKey: "xxxgjyuyiy"
      NodeID: 1
      NodeType: V2ray # Node type: V2ray, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Shadowsocks-Plugin
      Timeout: 30 # Timeout for the api request
      EnableVless: true # Enable Vless for V2ray Type
      VlessFlow: "xtls-rprx-vision" # Only support vless
      SpeedLimit: 0 # Mbps, Local settings will replace remote settings, 0 means disable
      DeviceLimit: 0 # Local settings will replace remote settings, 0 means disable
      RuleListPath: # /etc/XrayR/rulelist Path to local rulelist file
      DisableCustomConfig: false # disable custom config for sspanel
      ListenIP: # IP address you want to listen
      SendIP: # IP address you want to send pacakage
      UpdatePeriodic: 60 # Time to update the nodeinfo, how many sec.
      EnableDNS: false # Use custom DNS config, Please ensure that you set the dns.json well
      DNSType: AsIs # AsIs, UseIP, UseIPv4, UseIPv6, DNS strategy
      EnableProxyProtocol: false # Only works for WebSocket and TCP
        Limit: 0 # Warned speed. Set to 0 to disable AutoSpeedLimit (mbps)
        WarnTimes: 0 # After (WarnTimes) consecutive warnings, the user will be limited. Set to 0 to punish overspeed user immediately.
        LimitSpeed: 0 # The speedlimit of a limited user (unit: mbps)
        LimitDuration: 0 # How many minutes will the limiting last (unit: minute)
        Enable: false # Enable the global device limit of a user
        RedisAddr: # The redis server address
        RedisPassword: YOUR PASSWORD # Redis password
        RedisDB: 0 # Redis DB
        Timeout: 5 # Timeout for redis request
        Expiry: 60 # Expiry time (second)
      EnableFallback: false # Only support for Trojan and Vless
      FallBackConfigs:  # Support multiple fallbacks
        - SNI: # TLS SNI(Server Name Indication), Empty for any
          Alpn: # Alpn, Empty for any
          Path: # HTTP PATH, Empty for any
          Dest: 80 # Required, Destination of fallback, check https://xtls.github.io/config/features/fallback.html for details.
          ProxyProtocolVer: 0 # Send PROXY protocol version, 0 for disable
      DisableLocalREALITYConfig: true  # disable local reality config
      EnableREALITY: false # Enable REALITY
        Show: false # Show REALITY debug
        Dest: www.smzdm.com:443 # Required, Same as fallback
        ProxyProtocolVer: 0 # Send PROXY protocol version, 0 for disable
        ServerNames: # Required, list of available serverNames for the client, * wildcard is not supported at the moment.
          - www.smzdm.com
        PrivateKey: yBaw532IIUNuQWDTncozoBaLJmcd1JZzvsHUgVPxMk8 # Required, execute './xray x25519' to generate.
        MinClientVer: # Optional, minimum version of Xray client, format is x.y.z.
        MaxClientVer: # Optional, maximum version of Xray client, format is x.y.z.
        MaxTimeDiff: 0 # Optional, maximum allowed time difference, unit is in milliseconds.
        ShortIds: # Required, list of available shortIds for the client, can be used to differentiate between different clients.
          - "6ba85179e30d4fc2"
          - 0123456789abcdef
        CertMode: none # Option about how to get certificate: none, file, http, tls, dns. Choose "none" will forcedly disable the tls config.
        CertDomain: "node1.test.com" # Domain to cert
        CertFile: /etc/XrayR/cert/node1.test.com.cert # Provided if the CertMode is file
        KeyFile: /etc/XrayR/cert/node1.test.com.key
        Provider: alidns # DNS cert provider, Get the full support list here: https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/
        Email: test@me.com
        DNSEnv: # DNS ENV option used by DNS provider
          ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY: aaa
          ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY: bbb

ApiHost : your website address. eg, https://www.tld.com and not this https://www.tld.com/

ApiKey: your api key, an be found in admin settings > API settings > API Key

NodeID: The server id number after creating a server in the admin panel

NodeType: If frontend server settings is vmess or vless select V2ray

EnableVless: If your frontend server settings is vless, set to true

EnableXTLS: If your frontend server settings is XTLS, set to true

Timeout: time before no response from api.

UpdatePeriodic: time(seconds) after backend send data to the frontend and retrieve new data from frontend. Least time is 60 seconds, if you change theis value, remember to also change in admin panel > api settings > Update Period(s)

ListenIP: If you are using nginx set listening ip to and CertMode to none in config.yml

CertConfig: you need to set these if you set CertMode is not none

DisableLocalREALITYConfig: true # use reality settings from xmplus panel

Do not make any chnages to these options below in the config



SpeedLimit: 0 # Mbps, Local settings will replace remote settings, 0 means disable

DeviceLimit: 0 # Local settings will replace remote settings, 0 means disable

RuleListPath``: # /etc/XrayR/rulelist Path to local rulelist file

Importan Notice

Do not install backend on same server as frontend if you intend to enable tls on the backend.

Reason: certificate generation need port 80 to be free, but since the frontend is running on port 80/443, backend will panic, and cannot start.

allow xray(eg, 443) port through firewall


apt install firewalld


yum install firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
systemctl start firewalld

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1-65500/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1-65500/udp
firewall-cmd --reload

Note: XrayR does not support frontend Transit(Relay)

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